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Our services

Who are we for?

Open to all, no registration required.
For children from birth to age 4, accompanied by an adult.

What is it for?

Meet other children
Discover the rules of living in society
Experiment and play in complete safety
Being with your parent and preparing for separation
Meet other parents
Sharing questions, doubts and experiences
Taking a break
Being with your child

How much does it cost?

Between 3.- and 10.- per family per visit

For families with financial difficulties:

  • Children’s Aid can also fund your visits. Information on site. Information on site.
  • Tokens are available for refugee families. These can be obtained from social workers, the COSM or the ESPACE secretariat.

Hire the place!

To celebrate a birthday party for children up to 8 years old (80 Swiss francs for half a day).
Book on site during opening hours.

La Trottinette’s premises can be hired monthly for yoga classes, relaxation classes, singing classes, various workshops, etc. (from 15.-/hour or a monthly rate).

For information and bookings, contact Marc Bernasconi: 079 436 83 44
079 436 83 44

The premises can be booked all year round, subject to availability.