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La Trottinette, based in La Chaux-de-Fonds, was inspired by the Maison Verte concept created by Françoise Dolto in Paris in 1979.

Françoise Dolto, a paediatrician and psychoanalyst, led to the recognition of children as individuals in their own right.

Her concept has travelled through time and space, and now exists in every canton of French-speaking Switzerland and in many European and Latin American countries.

La Trottinette was born in 1996 and the association was created in February 1998.

The symbolism of the word “La trotinnette” (meaning the scooter) comes from this reflection:

One foot on the scooter, one foot on the ground, supported by an adult, is how a child gains self-confidence and stets off on the path of life.


The association is run by a volunteer committee and a team of 6 carers.

Organizational chart

The committee operates as a college with a co-presidency:

  • Florence Arrighi
  • Marc Bernasconi
  • Karin Kuenzi
  • Laurence Messerli
  • Myongju Lee Micheletti
  • Silvia Simone
  • Monique Desvoignes

The carers, who also sit on the committee :

  • Natacha Emmenegger-Wolf
  • Rosemarie Schmid
  • Laetitia Gigon Kubler
  • Murielle Girardin
  • Elodie Francillon
  • Anne-Marie Sandoz Jäggi

Job offers

Would you like to donate some time and energy?

Contact us at
or by telephone on 032 / 914 52 60.